Welcome to Regreen Springfield!
Through our tree advocacy efforts, ReGreen Springfield has collaborated with businesses, community organizations, educational partners and government agencies to promote the reforestation of Springfield, improve growing conditions for trees and engage new allies in tree care and monitoring, education and citizen science. We realize that the strength of our city is found in the neighborhoods. With this as the foundation for our work, we have embarked on an effort to ‘regreen’ the city… one tree at at time.
Please join Regreen Springfield in this reforestation effort by planting a tree in your own yard, helping to plant trees along our streets and in our parks, or donate your time or funds to neighborhood regreening efforts. With your help, Springfield’s urban forest will be restored.
This winter, ReGreen Springfield is offering a special workshop on how to identify trees in the winter. This workshop will provide you with the necessary skills to identify trees by their structure, bark, and buds, as well as common winter maintenance techniques. By the end of the course, you will be proficient in tree identification and maintenance and have the resources to achieve mastery. The workshop will be in two parts: the first will take place on zoom with tree experts from the US Forest Service who will overview the basics of tree identification; the second part will be a plant walk in Forest Park guided by arborists from Springfield Forestry who will show you how to identify trees in the winter and the maintenance required to upkeep them. We look forward to seeing you!
All materials, resource books, and tools which will be supplied free of charge. Pre-registration for the workshop is required, in order to ensure that training materials are available for all participants.
In August 2024, ReGreen Springfield launched a comprehensive Water Quality Sampling Program across the city of Springfield, MA, in collaboration with local partners, including the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission. The primary goal of the project was to assess the health of Springfield’s water bodies by conducting water quality tests at four distinct sites within the city: urban streams and open water bodies that flow through ecologically significant and highly trafficked areas.
This effort sought to gain insights into potential pollution sources, provide baseline data for future environmental monitoring, and raise public awareness of local water health issues.
To view a copy of the report, please visit https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5r5cagba4d2r6qrbid7u6/Water-Quatity-Report.pdf?rlkey=l8iee8djgqu1x2dsuuyxcul50&st=9n93gi16&dl=0