Since the devastating tornado on June 1, 2011 we have accomplished great things, including helping to plant nearly 4,000 new trees in Springfield. Take a few minutes and help us to accomplish our goals for this year… providing environmental education to youth in low-income neighborhoods, helping to restore Abbey Brook in East Springfield, partnering with the US Forest Service, UMass, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and NASA to make Springfield more sustainable, and starting our new Citizen Science initiative.
Join as Friend of Regreen Springfield – It’s only Only $10 per year
With your membership, you’ll receive the following:
Friends Member Card
Your Member Card will be sent to you with your name, membership level and expiration date listed.
Tree Owner’s Manual
You’ll receive a complimentary copy of the Tree Owner’s Manual
Recognition in our Year-end Review publication. Unless requested otherwise, all Friends are listed in the online and print versions of our Year-end Review publication.
Tax Deduction
Acknowledgment letter and tax receipt for your donation to an IRS registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization